Anthony Lam-Tran


Anthony Lam-Tran was born in Fountain Valley, but soon after his family moved to Portland, Oregon. When Anthony graduated from Portland State University earlier this year, he decided to return to the sunshine of Southern California. He generally enjoys being outdoors—going for hikes or snowboarding in the winter—and working on the Project has certainly provided Anthony with that opportunity.

As a Structures Field Engineer, Anthony has recently been supporting the formwork installation of Floor Beams, Edge Girders and Bridge Decks. He is also involved in the Quality Control (QC) of concrete pours, supporting QC Manager Mike Cardwell. (Anthony has been providing some excellent pictures for our newsletters, too.) Now that the first of the deck pours have been completed, Anthony is looking forward to upcoming work on the Arch Ribs.

Anthony enjoys discovering new challenges and every day on the Project so far has provided a complex puzzle for him to tackle. He has always liked figuring out ways to fit pieces together. Like Field Engineer Bryan Lee, Anthony grew up with Legos and developed a passion for building and design. Anthony first studied architecture in college, but became more interested in finding out how those designs came to life.

While the learning curve has been steep during his first four months on the job, Anthony has found it helpful to ask questions and pick the other engineers' brains whenever he can. "Be like a sponge," he says, "and soak up as much knowledge as possible."

So far, Anthony has done exactly that. And, hopefully, he's soaked up a little sunshine, too.