Joseph Bedolla


Joseph Bedolla lives in Boyle Heights and has watched the entire Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project (Project) progress, from the demolition of the original bridge to laying the foundation for the Y-Bents spanning the length of the replacement viaduct. Joseph has always enjoyed building things and being hired onto a construction project of this scope was his dream. In order to make that dream come true, Joseph would have to do some foundation work of his own.

First, Joseph learned the welding trade and received certification from a program at ReIgnite Hope. These skills gave him the opportunity to join a pre-apprenticeship program at Brother's Keeper. This 3-week training offered by the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters gave Joseph the tools he would need to find his first job in construction.

(Literally. Brother's Keeper helped Joseph buy his own bag and tools. "Come prepared" is Joseph's advice to anyone looking to start a career in the industry. That includes bringing the right bag of tools—as well as a hardhat, vest, gloves and boots—for the job.)

With all of that training under his belt, Joseph applied for work on the Project and was hired in May of this year. He's working high off the ground, usually with a view of where he lives only five minutes away. Joseph is grateful to have experienced workers on the Project to learn from and Skanska Stacy and Witbeck (SSW) is sponsoring him in an apprenticeship program.

“This has changed my life,” Joseph thinks about his new job. “I’m so thankful to be here.” And to anyone else interested in joining the construction trade, Joseph says, “If I can do it, then you can, too.”