Robert Thorpe


Robert Thorpe, Field Engineer for SSW, was o ne of the first team members to join the 6th Street Viaduct project back in 2014.

After graduating from USC with a Degree in Civil Engineering, Robert has followed in the footsteps of his father, grandfather and great grandfather to be the 4th generation of the Thorpe family to work in the construction industry,

The Thorpe family has deep roots in the industry beginning with his great grandfather, Lee, who worked for the Thorpe & Thorpe Construction company. Dick, Robert's grandfather, was a project manager for Thorpe & Thorpe Construction.

Recent generations of the Thorpe family have contributed to some of the most important infrastructure projects in the history of Los Angeles. Rick Thorpe, Robert's father, served as Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles-to-Pasadena Metro Construction Authority, and as CEO for the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority, a project that expanded light rail public transportation to the westside of Los Angeles.